Watching TV shows and movies in Chinese can be an excellent way to expand your Chinese vocabulary. Unfortunately, many of us do not have access to Chinese television or the language in the programs is too difficult. Below we have the first video in a series we have created to help you practice your Chinese skills.
This clip, Fou Fou’s Thug Adventure, was originally created by BCD Studio in the Fou Fou “Angry” Series 否否怒系列 (fǒu fǒu nù xì liè). Here we have shortened the clip to three minutes, added pinyin, and provided optional English subtitles (press the captions (CC) button in the YouTube window to activate subtitles). We recommend that you watch the video first without subtitles to see how much you can catch. The Chinese is quite fast, so don’t be upset if you don’t understand everything. Enjoy
I highly recommend you also watch the full version with added amusements included
You can click on the links within the script which will take you to a full sentence breakdown!
Fou Fou’s Thug Adventure Script:
00:00 天行动漫剧场 (tiān xíng dòng màn jù chǎng) = Tian Xing Comics Theater
00:08 否否怒系列 (fǒu fǒu nù xì liè) = Fou Fou’s “Angry” Series
00:11 9月20日 咖啡馆 (9 yuè 20 rì kā fēi guǎn) = September 20th, at a cafe
00:15 佳美咖啡馆 (jiā měi kā fēi guǎn) = Jia Mei Cafe
00:22 哎?(āi?) = Ah?
00:26 哼! (hēng!) = Humph!
00:30 大哥, 那小子说五万还不上怎么办? 道上的规矩他不懂吗?(dà gē, nà xiǎo zi shuō wǔ wàn huán bù shàng zěn me bàn? dào shàng de guī ju tā bù dǒng ma?) Big Bro, what should we do with the little guy who said he could not return the 50,000 dollars? Doesn’t he know the rules?
00:35 大哥, 啥也别说了, 卸他条胳膊不就得了吗? (dà gē, shá yě bié shuō le, xiè tā tiáo gē bo bù jiù dé le ma?) Big Bro, we don’t need to say anything, the deal will be even if we just cut off his arm, how about that?
00:39 费那事干嘛呀, 钱没多少 就是别坏了道上的规矩. 五万换条胳膊, 他赚了. (fèi nà shì gàn má ya, qián méi duō shao, jiù shì bié huài le dào shàng de guī ju. wǔ wàn huàn tiáo gē bo, <tā zhuàn le.) The money is not that much, we shouldn’t break the rules. He will get the better end by losing his arm instead of returning the 50,000 dollars.
00:46 别把大哥的心情给坏了. (bié bǎ dà gē de xīn qíng gěi huài le.) = Don’t put Big Bro in a bad mood.
00:48 来来来来, 服务员, 来20瓶啤酒! (lái lái lái lái, fú wù yuán, lái 20 píng pí jiǔ!) Come on, waiter, 20 bottles of beer!
00:52 五魁首啊, 六六六啊, 八匹马啊… (wǔ kuí shǒu a, liù liù liù a, bā pǐ mǎ a…) = Five heads, six six six, eight horses…(*this part refers to a Chinese drinking game)
01:06 【无烟区】 (wú yān qū) Non-smoking area
01:09 服务员, 这里不是无烟区吗?可是那里几个人怎么老在抽烟呢? (fú wù yuán, zhè lǐ bú shì wú yān qū ma? kě shi nà li jǐ gè rén zěn me lǎo zài chōu yān ne?) Waiter, isn’t this a non-smoking area? Why are those people smoking?
01:18 谁呀谁呀谁呀? 叫他自己过来跟我说. (shéi ya shéi ya shéi ya? jiào tā zì jǐ guò lái gēn wǒ shuō.) Who said that? Tell him to come talk to me himself.
01:30 你猜怎么着?我就朝那货脸上咔咔两刀. (nǐ cāi zěn me zhāo? wǒ jiù cháo nà huò liǎn shàng kǎ kǎ liǎng dāo.) Guess what? I will slash him in the face two times.
02:19 小伙挺倔强啊, 乖. (xiǎo huǒ tǐng jué jiàng a, guāi.) You are stubborn, be good.
02:41 你好歹吐口烟啊. (nǐ hǎo dǎi tǔ kǒu yān a.) You could breathe the smoke out.
If you’re interested in watching more videos that can help your Chinese learning you can find them here.